I was asked to compile a list of uses by the Headmistress, I don't think the following is too bad currently, given the restrictions also detailed.
Highfield Tablet Use
12/13 I have put together these notes now, they are not very explicit but
I have made progress
with the tablets but it has been slow. The issues surrounding the set up and
server issue affected the tablets and i think peoples perception. The fact that
the signal is also poor in the discovery room has also hampered their use as I
would have had them out much more, as would XX
Science - Research about
a subject using the internet. BBC bitesize and learning clips websites have
been used. We set up an example for an open morning.
ICT - all classes Y1 - 6
have used the tablets to take photos, explore google maps and get used to the
touch interface. I have used them in club to take photos and videos that we
would some day like to edit, once XX finish the server install and put the
video editing software back onto the computers. I have also used the tablets
with Y1 to practice the control of the tablet, playing movements based games
and trying typing practice. I did a lesson with Year 2 and 3 on finding
information. Using the tablets to explore web pages and share information with
others in the class.
Y2 - Intended to use the
tablets to research their topic, using a website about the great fire of
london. I think connection issues might have affected this pre-server update.
Y3 - used the tablets to
find information about characters in the WITW story, navigating web pages.
Y4 - have used the
tablets to find out information about a range of topics, searching the internet
for useful pages. I would like to use for more, problems occurred pre-server
update regarding a steady signal.
Y5 - Sarah tried to use
the tablets for times tables lessons, did not look at them before lesson and
was not able to use them.
Y6 - used the tablets
and the maps to use co-ordinates as part of their geography work with
Girls have used the
tablets in homework club fairly often, being able to research their work and on
many occasions access their ICT work that they wished to continue with.